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Crushing miles, blisters, mountains and the meaning of life 🌲

Yes!! Timberline Lodge and Mt Hood we are delighted to see you and be here!! Wow, just a couple of days left of Oregon!! I can't believe it.. 

Mt. Hood  

Mt. Hood  

One more section down! 114,5 miles/ 183,2 km in 6 days - it is quite a bit! It is hard, I have so many blisters and after a 21 mile day, 33,6 km, I feel pretty hungry, sore and stiff, but one step in front of the other and I make it. Every day. Doing this hike you must also embrace the suffering. It is so worth it! I would never be any other place!

This section has been both strenuous and wonderful with really bad trail; huge fields of lavarocks, steep climbs, steep descends, blisters and footpain, but also breathtaking beauty with giants like Three fingered Jack, Mt Jefferson and Mt Hood, wonderful lakes and rivers with cold and clear drinking water, to soak sore feet in and wash dirty socks and sweaty clothes and lovely campsites. 

Black Butte

Our buddy So good had to stay behind in Bend a few days because of an injury, but yesterday we were happily reunited on the trail and our excellent trailfamily laugh and giggles could continue. So happy to have him back on trail!  

Three fingered Jack  

Three fingered Jack  

Shale Lake and Mt. Jefferson  

Mt. Jefferson far away  

We each have had our turns of mental challenges this week as well. The trail brings up a lot of thoughts. Thoughts about life and lifechanges, relationships, why 's, why not's, and other murmuring things from the past and possible future. It feels good to walk, laugh, cry, be angry, get it out, vent and feel the care from the trailfamily. We all have bad days. We all need care, a hug, a lift me up, a joke, an extra Snickers bar or a smile. Feels good to give and it feels good to receive. 

Timberline here we come!  

So, trail I love you, I felt like a million bucks after finishing the most strenuous fucking miles of steep climb up to Timberline today. The sweat pouring, lungs crying, sun burning, feet crying, but HELL YEAH!!! A million bucks!!!!!  

Now milkshake number two. ✌️  

See you folks when I cross the border into Washington in just three days!!!